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Interested in Competitive Swimming?

Sedgefield 75 can prepare competent swimmers for compe​ting at Swim England accredited competitions. High quality coaching can help any committed swimmer reach their full potential through local galas, aiming to progress to County, Regional and National Championships.​


We offer coaching at four squad levels based on ability / commitment primarily in the form of in-pool coaching supplemented with strength and conditioning work for the top (A) squad. We can take swimmers from 8 years old upwards.


In C squads, swimmers' stroke technique is refined, and elements needed for racing are taught, such as starts, turns and finishes according to requirements of Swim England competitions.


B-squad further develops technique and works on aerobic endurance.


A squad is for competent and committed competitive swimmers looking to push themselves to the highest level of performance they can.


New members can enter at the appropriate squad level subject to availability of places. Training times here.


What is required to join?

We are a club so membership is required. An annual membership fee is required, payable in January. This covers registration with Swim England, insurance and administrative fees for the club.

A monthly coaching fee is required to be paid by standing order. For fees, see here.

This is to cover running costs of the club including pool hire, coaching, training of club officials, lifeguards and competition expenses.

Swimming in competitions requires payment of entry fees per swim, typically in the region of £5-£8, set by the hosting club. Spectating at competition is almost always chargeable by the hosting club, paid at the host pool on entry.

Swimmers are expected to provide their own equipment, at the most basic level, swimwear, goggles and hat (not compulsory in training). To advance swimming ability, further equipment is required, this being fins (small flippers), pullboy (curved float to be held between the legs) and kickboard.

At competition, swimmers are required to wear club hats while competing (purchased from the club). There is also club-branded clothing available to purchase for wearing at competition, but this is not compulsory.


What are the benefits?

You're probably aware that swimming is an excellent activity to achieve and maintain a high level of fitness. See here for results of a Swim England survey.

Swim training for competition leads to an exceptional level of fitness, you may be surprised at just how fit your swimmer(s) can become.

Racing gives an indisputable measure of performance; every swimmer always has their own targets to aim for - their own PBs. All times set in competition are recorded in the Swim England Swimming results database. A free online database that all GB competition swimming is recorded from the lowest level (level 4 galas) to Olympics - all swims are recorded in the same way. Want to know your swimmers ranking at Club, County, Regional or National level? You can search the database with a range of filters applied to find out.

Our young swimmers are very friendly and welcoming. Long lasting friendships are forged here within in the club and also with swimmers at other clubs when they rub shoulders at competitions.

Regular training is physically and mentally demanding, a great lesson in self-discipline and work ethic. You really do learn that the more you work, the more you are rewarded and as a parent/carer, there is no better feeling than seeing your swimmer exceed your own hopes for PB improvements.


What should I do next?

Get in touch using the website contact form

or send a message on Facebook and we'll organise a visit or a trial. Monday evening is the session when all squads swim.


Form Downloads

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